AWSDA's 1996 Seminar - Vendors |
1996 Seminar Vendor Booths
Modern Warrior
711 N. Wellwood Ave.
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
Contact: Phil Messina
Modern Warrior Inc. teaches state-of-the-art police and civilian self
defense training. "Your Survival Begins and Ends with You!"
Representative: Jen-again Haas
2009 Lakewood Dr.
Sebring, FL 33872
Contact: Doug Miyatake
OPS, an AWSDA corporate sponsor, provides armed and unarmed self
defense training, including women-only classes.
Representative: Andy Stanford
Smith & Wesson
P.O. Box 627
Haines City, FL. 33845
Contact: Roy Tyler
Colt's Manufacturing Company Inc.
"We're shooting for a safer tomorrow."
P.O. Box 1868
Hartford, CT 06114
(860) 244-1415
Contact: Kim Feidler
Dragon's Tooth
6241 Mayo St.
West Hollywood, CA 33023-2248
Representatives: Jim Reid (Master mold maker)
Bram Frank (research & Development
Description: The ultimate training knives made from high impact
urethane plastic allowing for realistic self defense training.
Options for Personal Security
2009 Lakewood Dr.
Sebring, FL 33872
Representatives: Andy Stanford
Description: OPS provides armed and unarmed self defense training. The
OPS vendor table features sure-fire combat lights, Spyderco clipit
knives, books, and videos.
Sigarms, Inc.
Corporate Park
Exeter, NH 03833
Representatives: Bank Miller
Description: Semi-Automatic handguns
Smith & Wesson
PO Box 627
Haines City, FL 33845
Representatives: Roy Tyler
Description: Smith & Wesson Handguns/handcuffs and training
Giles & Associates
12167 Pepperdine Pl.
Orlando, FL 32826
Representatives: Holly Giles
Description: Giles & Associates, stress management services provides on
-site chair massage to Orlando area businesses, meetings, and special
events. We provide relief from life's stressors.
Sexual Assault Forcibly Ended, Inc.
Representatives: ?
Description: A mobile, comprehensive rape awareness-prevention & self
defense program for the protection of woman. Learn effective,
incapcitating techniques to be safe and in control.
Colt's Manufacturing Company, Inc.
"We're shooting for a safer tomorrow."
Colt's PO Box 1868
Hartford, CT 06114
Representatives: David Ridley, Michael Reissig & Kimberly J. Murphy
Description: Firearms & catalogs
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Last Updated: September 18, 1996