AWSDA's 1996 Seminar - Orlando |
About the course: This course will cover the use of the cane in various self defense situations. The cane (or long hooked umbrella) is a practical and effective tool, and certainly gives the user the element of surprise. Class will include lecture and hands-on training, and canes will be provided for use during class.
About the instructors: Dave Cat, as he is known to friends, has been studying marital arts for almost ten years. Even while struggling with a life threatening illness, Dave continued to train, and received the special "Warrior of the Year Award" from Modern Warrior. With a background in Bo Fung Do, Wing Chun, and defensive firearm use, Dave brings a unique personal perspective to this course.
Eileen Catapano, trained in self defense and martial arts, has been a loyal AWSDA member for years, and wrote an article for the AWSDA newsletter after she foiled an attempted mugging when she was (very) pregnant.
About the course: Course topics will include: overview of the legal system; legal considerations in the use of force; keys to legal survival; guidelines for "survival statements"; "the aftermath".
About the instructor: Susan Baldwin is a former (retired) federal agent wherein she worked counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, personal protection, and narcotics operations. Susan is a MO State Criminal Investigator and a Police Lt. (Res.) in charge of a 14 officer police reserve unit. Susan has been teaching law enforcement, self defense, and self-improvement courses for 15 years. She is working on her goal of a Psy.D., is a Master Hypno-therapist, neuro-linguistic programing (NLP) practitioner, Reiki practitioner, and activist for women's rights and self-improvement.
About the course: This course will include: proper equipment; warm up and conditioning exercises; traditional warrior form (kata); stances, footwork and guard; punching techniques and combinations; kicking techniques; body movements to avoid attacks; ground work; and more. " We find powerhouse, brute fighting alien to us. To win with minimal losses, to prevail over the opponent with more clever and more flexible tactics, and to meet any attack with timely and reliable defense, and with a smashing and sudden counter attack. We want to confuse and mislead the opponent, then suddenly and devastatingly to attack."
About the instructor: Natalia Starostina was born in Moscow. She began martial arts training in 1978. The development of martial arts and in particular karate in Russia went through a difficult period of repression for many years. In Russia from 1957 to 1975 and 1983 to 1989 practicing, studying and teaching karate were prohibited by the State, just like in Okinawa 300 years ago. An infringement of it resulted in 7 to 10 years imprisonment. And so, like in ancient times Natalia trained in atmosphere of strict secrecy in a forest, in lonely places devoting all free time to studies. In December, 1990 just after lifting the state ban on teaching and training in karate, the first "KARATE - WOMEN'" school in Russia was formed at the congress in Moscow and Natalia Starostina became president and chief - instructor of this school. She also master of Sport (1986). Graduated from Moscow State University (1993), Natalia is coach of a specialized children's and young people's sports club 'SINDO" in Moscow. Natalia Starostina travels around the country teaching women's self - defense programs and training women as self - defense and karate instructors.
About the course: Research indicated that sexual assaults can be prevented at least 50% of the time by the use of just one technique: our voice. A powerful demeanor combined with assertive communication can end an assault before it becomes physical or prevent the escalation of a physical attack. Learn techniques for responding to varying degrees of uncomfortable or threatening situations, including ways to deal with sexual pressure in an intimate relationship and confronting sexual harassment. This workshop is designed for people with any amount of self - defense experience. Instructors are welcome to attend to gain new ideas for their own classes.
About the instructor: Darla Bolon is a mental health therapist and public speaker at the Elizabeth Blackwell Center in Columbus, Ohio. She trained in the Korean Martial Art of Tae Kwon Do for nine years and in women's self - defense for 14 years. She is currently training in the Japanese Art, Aikido and has received much additional training through her twelve year affiliation with the National Women's Martial Arts Federation. Darla has been teaching women's self - defense and confrontation training for twelve years.
About the course: This course is designed to address the question of how performance in the training setting can be successfully transferred to real world situations. The primary focus will be the effect of stress upon self - defense situations and techniques, with a detailed examination of the phenomenon known as "The Choke".
About the instructor: Ron Kazoroski teaches self - defense as part of faculty of the Physical Education Department at the University of Central Florida. He started teaching police defensive tactics in 1966. In 1979 he developed and began teaching a 40 hour Women's Self Defense Course. To date he has taught over 3100 students. He is the co-founder and Editor - in - Chief of the Defensive Tactics Newsletter. He wrote the Text Survival: Self Defense for Women and has co-authored 6 other books. He has had over 70 articles published in the U. S. and Japan. In February, 1994, he was invited to Harvard University and Radcliff College where he spoke on Women's Self Defense and Date Rape.
About the course: Learn the psychology and necessary tactics to be able to win a fight against a group. This course will absolutely change the way you look at fighting for the rest of your life.
About the instructor: Philip J. Messina, President of Modern Warrior Defensive Tactics Institute, was highly decorated in the NYPD in both plainclothes and uniform. He is currently certified in over a dozen DT and self defense systems. Phil has written numerous articles on martial arts, defensive tactics and self defense and serves as an expert witness in criminal and civil liability cases. He is currently serving on the Executive Board of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, is on the Governing Board of the Concerned Alliance For Professional Policing, and is Director of Training and Tactics for International Defensive Tactics and Research Foundation. Messina was the first American Martial Artist invited to demonstrate his training methods at the Shaolin Wushu Training Center in Mainland China. An active member of AWSDA, Phil proudly serves as AWSDA's Strategy and Tactics Consultant.
About the course: THIS IS NOT A BEGINNING SHOOTING CLASS. Thursday's live-fire class will be geared for novice through advanced shooters. Friday's class will be geared more towards the newer firearm student. Participants need to have a basic familiarity with marksmanship, gun safety, and a general idea of how to operate the revolver and semi - automatic pistol. Safety glasses and hearing protection, in the form of muffs which cover the ear. A nominal charge ( $15 to $20) will be assessed to cover the cost of the ammunition. Workbook provided, to ease note taking and provide diagrams for later reference.'
About the Instructor: Gila May Hayes is a firearms instructor and freelance writer, published in Women & Guns, GUNS Magazine, Combat Handguns' Annuals and other firearms periodicals. Since 1993, she has provided a monthly handgun review for Women & Guns, and is author of the book Effective Defense : The Woman, The Plan, The Gun. In addition to writing, Gila has trained with many of the leading firearms Trainers, including Massad Ayoob, John Farnam, Clint Smith, Jim Cirillo, the Gunsite staff and many others. She holds instructor certifications from the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center, in the StressFire technique from Lethal Force Institute and others.
About the course: The seminar will focus on what we refer to as "breakaways" (also known as "escapes" and "releases"). This is one of the most fundamental subjects in unarmed Self Defense and yet one of the most neglected, glossed over and even misunderstood by many Martial Arts/Self Defense Instructors.
The seminar will address the different types of grabs and the specific techniques used to "breakaway" easily and effectively. Instruction will include:
Avoidance | Chi Energy |
Distractions | Pressure Points |
Joint Manipulation | Energy Transfer |
About the instructor: Master John Pellegrini is the Founder and Headmaster of the Combat Hapkido System of Self Defense. With over 30 years of Martial Arts study and research in Europe, the U.S. and Asia he is recognized as one of the foremost experts and a leading authority on Self - Defense. His teaching skills and technical knowledge have earned him a respected reputation. Master Pellegrini holds Master Instructor Certification in several other Martial Arts. Master Pelletgrini travels extensively around the world conducting seminars and teaching Instructors his Scientific approach to Self Defense.
Master Pellegrini has been featured in two issues of Tae Kwon do Times Magazine and in Martial Arts Business Information Magazine. He is the founder and President of the International Combat Hapkido Federation named "1995 Organization of the Year" with hundreds of affiliated around the world.
About the course: This program, offered by the Smith & Wesson Academy and taught by Academy instructor Judy Wooley, covers many of the basic concerns regarding the owning and carrying of a handgun for self defense. Along with firearms safety, the selection of a handgun is discussed with emphasis placed on how to select a gun and caliber that will best suit the individual. The lecture (Thursday) includes information on the proper grip and stance to use when practicing, a brief description of the continuum of force, the broad considerations of concealed carry methods, and the importance of awareness of surrounding firearms and the role that plays in avoiding trouble. Live fire training will be conducted on Friday.
About the instructor: Judy Wooley, 38 lives and trains in Massachussetts and has made her mark as a top international competition shooter with handguns, rifles and shotguns. For the past three years. she has represented the Women's Shooting Sports foundation as handgun event coordinator and senior handgun instructor. Her interest and understanding of firearms is deep and varied; her articles have been published in four magazines, she and her husband teach a variety of firearms courses, and she has promoted the Smith & Wesson Firearms Education for Women program at various locations around the U.S for the Academy.
About the course: Defense against edged weapons is possible with the right mindset. Lecture and practical exercises will be used to offer an alternate way of approaching combat against bladed weapons.
About the instructor: Elizabeth Kennedy is the Executive Director of AWSDA, and serves as VP and Sr. Instructor with Modern Warrior Defensive Tactics Institute. Ms. Kennedy is certified in numerous defensive tactics and self defense systems. Specializing in practical application self defense, Ms. Kennedy also holds nationally recognized certification in several areas of Police Training.
About the course: The block will focus on the proper techniques that can be adapted to anyone to gain the benefits received from their individual workouts. The discussion will focus on topics ranging from bio-mechanics to the rehabilitation of some common injuries to martial artists. Most importantly the lecture will attempt to dispel the many myths of the fitness industry, most of which are targeted at prospective female clients. Finally the lecture will tackle the age - old questions, "Who is Stronger? Women or Men." There will be hands - on applications of several concepts to enhance the lecture topic.
About the instructor: Patrick McLaughlin is currently a Certified Personal Trainer who specializes in rehabilitation of minor injuries through strength training. He has logged on over a thousand hours of personal training time, which includes devising safe and effective exercise programs for a wide range of clients. He firmly believes in stressing the importance of physiology and research over the more common traditional approaches to strength training.
About the course: In a 25% dynamic lecture and a 75% hands-on format I intend to address the mindset and techniques required to successfully defeat various grabs and holds encountered in street situations. I will demonstrate the science of leverage, balance and goal oriented training being applied to defeat physically superior opponents. I intend to explore the attackers attitude. Why he attacks, how he chooses his victims and how your initial response to attack can very often set the entire tone for the confrontation. No one chooses to be a victim, but if we are set upon we can choose to defend ourselves. The reason I've chosen breaking holds as my format is that most attacks, especially on women, start with a grab or hold, and how we react to the initial attack can be the difference of life or death.
About the instructor: Mike Bruen attended Trenton State College in N.J majoring in Economics. He went on to become a New York city Police Officer now holding the rank of Sergeant. Throughout his 12 year career he has held many various positions including Uniform Patrol, Mountain Bike Patrol, Plain clothes Anti - Crime Patrol, Narcotic Enforcement, to name a few. He presently supervises a plain clothes tactical unit called the "Area Impact Team" always been a student of advanced tactical training, and has had the opportunity to test most techniques in real life street situations. After much searching Mike has found a home at Modern Warrior in Lindenhurst, N.Y. Mike holds certifications in Police Defensive Tactics, Knife Defense, Multiple - Assailant Confrontations, Ground Fighting, Weapon Retention and Disarming, Confrontational Handcuffing, Straight Baton Techniques. He has continually been a supporter of AWSDA and regularly donates his time as a rape prevention instructor. He strongly believes that all people have "AN ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES."
About the course: Many crimes against women occur during hours of darkness. Although some people feel at a tactical disadvantage at night, with appropriate education and training a person can turn a lack of light to their advantage. This seminar will define the problems associated with self - defense techniques, including use of a flashlight as an impact weapon and low light shooting methods.
About the instructor: Andy Stanford is the director of Options for Personal Security, an AWSDA Sponsor. His extensive training background includes attendance at the major combat shooting schools (Gunsite, Lethal Force Institute, Yavapai, etc.), the continuing study of practical martial arts, and significant instruction in the use of the edged and impact weapons. He taught at the AWSDA conferences in 1993 (guns) and 1995 (knives), and has authored a number of magazine and journal articles on the subject of personal defense and defensive firearms use.
About the course: Learn the power and rewards of strong observation skills. This class discussion the importance and applications of awareness in every day life - as well as self defense situations. Learn exercises for strengthening your senses. Put your own skills to the test with interesting, yet fun exercises that will let you realize just how aware you really are.
About the instructor: Meghan Gardner teaches Self Defense and Awareness for corporations, universities and organization. She is also Instructor/Director for The American Martial Way Association in Bedford and Lexington, MA. Meghan has been studying the Martial Arts for 15 years and her specialty is Armed and Unarmed Knife Defense.
About the course: Bram teaches a course he calls "Common Sense Self Defense/Street Combat" to civilians, especially women, children and senior citizens. The reality of self defense and the right to protect one's self mush be tempered by legal repercussions and the fact that self defense is not martial arts. Self defense must be concept driven not technique driven. The use of concepts allows for flow of defense and escalation as needed without learning hundreds of possibilities. Concepts allow CSSD/SC to be used empty hand or with blunt/ edged weapons.
About the instructor: Bram Frank is a 3rd Degree Black belt, Senior instructor of Combat Hapkido as well as the Director of Blunt and Edged Weapons Training for the International Combat Hapkido Federation of Master John Pellegrinii. He is a 2nd degree Black Belt, Advanced Level 3 Instructor under Grandmaster Remy Presas of Modern Arnis.
Bram holds teaching certificates and Black belt rank in Traditional Wing Chun, American Karate, and Shuri - Goju - Ryu. In 1995 Bram was elected to the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame as the "Arnis Instructor of the year". He was also appointed to the Board of Directors for the International Modern Arnis Federation.
About the course: Jim will teach two live-fire firearms classes, including a class for the intermediate to advanced student (Thursday morning) and a basic shooting class on Friday morning. Jim's classes are entertaining, practical, no-nonsense classes. He's been there. He knows what it's like. Learn some of the strategies that Jim used to survive.
About the instructor: If you want to know what it really takes to prevail in a gunfight, you must go to a person who's been in them. Jim Cirillo is that person. As one of the top guns in the New York City Police Department Stakeout Squad, Cirillo participated in some of the most harrowing of the unit's 252 armed confrontations with the worst of New York's criminal element. He went on to become one of the most sought - after combat shooting instructors in the country.