The AWSDA Executive Board |
About Your Executive Board Members
Jennifer Haas, Executive Director
Jennifer Haas became an appointed AWSDA board member in February of 1997.
She has been a student at Modern Warrior® Defensive Tactics Institute,
studying martial arts and self defense, since July of 1995. Jennifer first
had her taste of actively promoting women’s self defense in November of
1996, at which time she assisted in an AWSDA sponsored Free Rape Prevention
Class. Since then Ms. Haas has become an AWSDA certified Rape Prevention
Instructor and she has started the apprentice program in which she assists
with martial arts and female self defense training.
Paula McCallum, First Deputy Director, Board of Directors
Paula McCallum began studying self-defense in 1992. She has since
progressed in the Bo Fung Do system, currently volunteers as a junior
martial arts instructor and is now the lead instructor for the Female
Self-Defense program in which she began. Paula is certified to teach the
AWSDA Rape Prevention Course, and having assisted in dozens of these
classes, she now leads her own. Ms. McCallum attended the 1995 AWSDA
training conference in San Diego, and taught at the 1996 AWSDA seminar in
Orlando. She is now an interim member of the AWSDA Executive Board and is
running for a permanent position.
Ann Marie Ferrante, Executive Board Member
Ann Marie has been an active AWSDA board member since AWSDA's incorporation
in 1990. She is a student of the martial arts and self defense at Modern
Warrior Defensive Tactics Institute since 1988. In 1989 she became an
instructor in Modern Warrior's apprentice program and is currently a
junior instructor with the rank of red belt. She is a certified AWSDA
Rape Prevention Instructor and a certified Civilian Defensive Keychain
Instructor. Over the years, Ann Marie has participated, both as a student
and an instructor, in civilian and police training seminars. Ann Marie
continues to teach the AWSDA Rape Prevention Course, along with other
members of the Modern Warrior Staff.
Ann Marie is also a business student at Adelphi University when not
working full time as an Executive Assistant in Long Island, NY.
Send mail to AMFerrante@aol.com
Elizabeth A. Kennedy, Executive Board Member
Elizabeth Kennedy has been teaching Women's Self Defense since completing
the Modern Warrior Apprentice Program in 1986. Specializing in practical
application self defense, Ms. Kennedy holds nationally recognized instructor
and instructor trainer certification in numerous areas of Police Defensive
Tactics and Women's Self Defense. After completing the Modern Warrior
Apprentice Program, Ms. Kennedy became a full-time member of the Modern
Warrior staff and has since authored numerous articles which have appeared
in books, newspapers and magazines including the prestigious American
Society of Law Enforcement Trainers Journal. Ms. Kennedy (Liz) is
frequently asked to lecture on these topics, and has been featured on
numerous TV specials and newsmagazines on the topic of self defense.
In 1990, 1991, 1993, and 1994 Ms. Kennedy was honored to be a member of the
teaching staff of the International ASLET Seminar, the largest gathering of
the world's leading police trainers held annually in the United States.
In 1990, Ms. Kennedy was instrumental in the founding of the American
Women's Self Defense Association and is currently volunteering her time
to serve as the Executive Director and as Editor of the informative and
highly acclaimed AWSDA newsletter.
Among the numerous classes she has taught, Ms. Kennedy has also taught
Rape Prevention Courses on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC with Philip
Send mail to: awsda@nais.com
Charles Dolan, Executive Board Member
Charles "Chuck" Dolan is the founder and Director of Training of F.Y.S.D.,
Inc. of PA (formerly P-A-P Associates, Civilian and Law Enforcement Training
Specialists) and has been a Communications, Safety and Security Consultant
since 1987.
He has served on the AWSDA Executive Board since 1993. In 1997, he was
nominated AWSDA's Secretary. For the past 3 years, Chuck has been AWSDA's
Firearms Coordinator, helping to bring some of the nation’s best firearms
instructors, to share their expertise with our membership. Chuck first
became involved with firearms over 30 years ago and works as a Civilian and
Police Defensive Tactics Instructor, teaching throughout New England, New
Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Chuck has appeared in defense related
programs aired on CBS, CNN, FOX and LETN (Law Enforcement Television
Network) and is a guest instructor at the Lethal Force Institute in New
Hampshire and Modern Warrior® Police Defensive Tactics Institute in New
Chuck is a member of AWSDA. ASLET, AWARE, IALEFI, IDT and USPSA. He is also
a Life Member of the NRA and LEAA. The easiest way to reach Chuck is over
the Internet: Send mail to
Pat Curran, Executive Board Member
Patricia Curran, aka Pat, was appointed to the AWSDA Executive Board in
February, 1998. Ms. Curran, who has experience in the financial field,
offered at that time to take over the position of Treasurer, one that has
remained open for over two years! (Go Pat!)
Pat began her self defense training two and a half years ago with a 16 Week
Women’s Self Defense Course, and left the course with a new found confidence
in her own survival skills. Pat also discovered an overwhelming desire to
continue training, as well as a passion to help others find that same
feeling within themselves. Pat began studying Bo Fung Do (the Art of
Confronting Multiple Assailants) and soon after began assisting in both
women's self defense classes and martial arts classes.
An AWSDA member for two years now, Pat has attended both the Orlando and
Chicago Annual Training Seminars, and looks forward to participating in all
aspects of the 1998 Annual Training Seminar in Sacramento. With her special
talents and fire to help other women become stronger, Pat Curran is a
powerful and welcome addition to the AWSDA Executive Board.
Robert Hess, Executive Board Member
Bob Hess, a retired New York City Police Officer, has been assisting with
and teaching women's self defense since he renewed his martial arts training
in 1987. In 1991, Mr. Hess began teaching Rape Prevention and eventually
became a certified instructor in AWSDA's certified Rape Prevention Course.
Bob is also certified in numerous self defense and police defensive tactics
systems, including Tactical Straight Baton and Tactical Ground Fighting.
Mr. Hess is currently a member of the Modern Warrior staff and has
successfully completed one third of his three part (eight month) Master's
Mr. Hess was honored to be among the teaching staff of the American Society
of Law Enforcement Trainers in 1991 and 1992, teaching Tactical Straight
Baton to the world's largest gathering of highly qualified and experienced
police trainers.
Bob was formerly a member of the New York City Police Department Harbor
Unit, Scuba Team, and is now a Security Director with a private company.
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Last Updated: September 9, 1998