If you like mystery meat burritos, living in one star motels (or your tent), and the feel of sand being ground between your teeth, then you are prime material for being an archaeologist within "these" United States of America. :-) I have to admit that is a bit harsh. Archaeology is, however, a way of life and not just a job. If you aren't dedicated to it, you won't survive the heat of summer or the cold of winter in the field.
*Info on Arch. in the SW*Anasazi Archaeology Indian Ruins of the Southwest N.M. Historic Preservation Div. Texas Historical Commission Antiquities Protection |
*Some of My Favorite Arch. Sites*Pick a Park--Southwest Pick a Park--Rocky Mts Chaco Culture National Historical Park Chaco Canyon--Pueblo Bonito Salinas Pueblo Missions |
Everything Deserves
The Organ Mountains -- One day while four-wheeling in a place most
men wouldn't take their trucks,
Barbara and I stopped to take a picture.
A prehistoric hearth -- This one was discovered during blading north
of Las Cruces. The black stuff is indeed charcoal.
The Dead Cow Site in the Jornada del Muerto -- This photo is for
those who think archaeology is glamorous. We recorded a large prehistoric site which for some
reason had more than its share of bovine in various stages of decay.
The Presidio-Lely International Airport -- This is not generally
what you would expect from the title.
See the third world within the United States. Become an archaeologist....
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Composed by:
Eli A. Kutzko -- email address:ekutzko@aserve.com